Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lost and Found

I feel you here but see you there.
Fragrance is mine, nectar is thine.
I have you (in my way) but still amidst a sea
and you are there, waving at the coast.
Nothing, nothing for him to blast,
I did it, I was the host.
No! I am not angry, I am not broke,
heart over mind and mind at last,
why then I moan and 'kerchief soak.
Did I win or lose the game?
Win, I did what my nerves thought,
lost yet 'coz wasn't there any fame.

I saw Her white impression
in the water on the floor.
I heard the tingle of the shells
with bells tied on the door.
You smelt as sandal pestled in the morning,
I felt unnerved and fantasies churning.
There you were, and I knew it,
all I carp for is that season of my wit.
Is humanity rewarding? And patience ever pays?
Here, it has shut the farthest of my ways.
I am not indifferent and neither can be,
yesterday I was happy and today you can see.
You can see but still not know,
standing here but not with me
and don't blame me for all I show.

I change the course, I am sane yet,
you will read me and still not get.
The grace worth praise
like a lamp lit in haze.
Your fragile body on the long, slim legs,
as petals flaunting among the green dregs.
The shine of light and purity of rain,
colours of rainbow and a sunny brain,
chase your dream, it is not so far,
the gleam you possess is high above par.
I was a stone in your way to the throne,
bet you get gems many and I still won't groan.

This poem was written by me sometime in year 2002 -03

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